Sunday, September 25, 2016

Declaration of Intent...or How I am Going to Spend the Year before I turn 40

On October 3rd of this year I will be entering the last year of my 30's...I'll be

                                           Image result for number 39

The number doesn't scare me in the least but it did make me reflect on some things that I might like to do that would make me a healthier and more well rounded person.

I had a fleeting thought that I would like to spend the year doing 30 day 12 challenges over the course of the year.  But then I was immediately stymied by wondering what to do for each month.

I knew a few things I wanted to do such as meditate for 10 minutes everyday and run a 5k everyday for a month...but then the ideas dried up.

So I turned to the almighty Pinterest.

Most of the challenge ideas they had were exercise related...and whereas I would like to get into better shape again...I didn't want to spend the entire year working out.

I was able to find these two blog posts with 100 ideas each and from there I narrowed it down to the 12 I wanted to complete.

Post #1

Post #2

The twelve I decided on, and in order that I will be completing them are:

October 2016: Sell/donate 1 item everyday
November 2016: 100 push-ups, 100 crunches, and 100 squats
December 2016: Send a card a day to a friend
January 2017: Take a photo a day of something that makes me happy
February 2017: Play a game with the family everyday
March 2017: Do an act of kindness everyday
April 2017:Spend the month learning Italian
May 2017: Average a 5k everyday
June 2017: Go Vegan
July 2017: Meditate 10 minutes everyday
August 2017: Drink fresh juice every morning
September 2017: Make a new recipe everyday

I've also decided to start a new blog to chronicle the come join me at The Challenge to Forty