Well this weekend I started my first of 12 thirty day challenges...so as my Minecraft cartoon depicts...Let The Games Begin.
The first challenge is to donate, or sell, an item each day. As I started to go through my closet Saturday I discovered that I had about 20 things I could get rid of.
These things were all in good shape but they weren't things that I wear and they just take up space in my drawers where I would prefer to have ample room for the items that I do love and wear all the time.
So I decided to amend my challenge and just make sure that every day I am getting rid of something(s).
For Sunday I weeded through a basket of old kids toys that the children no longer play with and bagged them up to donate. I didn't take a picture because the items were a bit scattered looking...but there will be some small child that will find them in Goodwill and will hopefully get as much joy out of them as my children did.
Today I am putting the basket up for sale that those toys were residing in.
It's a really cute basket that I picked up years ago at Ten Thousand Villages. After some thought about whether I could make use of it again I decided that it would only hinder the efforts to get rid of things if I kept an item of storage. So again I hope whoever ends up with this will love it and pass it on when it no longer serves a purpose for them.
These three days have been really exciting and it just made me want to go through the entire house and purge purge purge....but in an effort not to burn myself out OR to be consumed by purging I am taking it small steps at a time.
To support my challenges each month I will be trying to read books on the subject at hand. The first book I completed in this endeavor is Clutter Free by Kathi Lipp. The book was fantastic. I borrowed it through digital library loan so that I wouldn't be bringing in an item to learn about how to get rid of things...that just seemed like a sensible thing to do. Kathi writes easily digestible chapters that give you examples of what she is doing on suggestions for how you yourself can be more clutter free.
My favorite chapter was on not bringing items into your house and talked about ways to get your family and close friends on board so that you can give experiences, gift cards, or time to one another so as not to wrap up another item that would need to be cared for the gift receiver.
So what I want to do know is are you trying to be more clutter free? Or do you find it difficult to get stuff out of your house?
This month I'll will keep a tally of the items I move on and will put up book reviews and encouraging articles on the topic in an effort to get you on board with me...it will be a fun trip we can take together.
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